Monday, 31 March 2014

Remote Card Configuration in HP, DELL & IBM Servers:


Configure HP Integrated Lights Out (ILO) Step by Step

You can look up what ports are used via the iLO 3 web interface. Expand the "Administration" menu on the left, then click on the "Access Settings" link. That screen will tell you the ports used by the various services.

Here are the defaults:
SSH 22
Web (non-SSL) 80
SSL 443
IPMI-over-LAN 623
Remote Console 17990
Virtual Media 17988

You might also need to enable other ports if you're using DHCP, DNS, SNTP, SNMP, and/or LDAP from iLO.
Easily one of the best features of HP servers is their Integrated Lights Out (ILO) remote management interface. Having the ability to remotely access HP servers from POST to OS is an invaluable tool. Standard ILO features include remote shutdown and startup, virtual media, text mode console redirect and access to hardware logs, status and diagnostic tools. Full graphical remote console redirection is available with the advanced license. This article will outline step by step how to configure and access ILO on a fresh out the box Proliant ML350 G5 server.
First, connect the ILO designated network port to your switch or management network.
Most brand new HP servers come with an information tag attached. Printed on the tag is the server serial number and Integrated Lights Out access information including factory set username and password.
The easiest way to access the ILO configuration utility is during the POST by pressing F8 when prompted.
 The menu is straightforward and self explanatory. Use the arrow keys to navigate. Select Enter while the Set Defaults option is highlighted to revert back to factory settings.
First, access the Network menu, disable DHCP and change the DNS name
Then configure your static ip settings
Next, set the Administrator password or create new user.
Note that the username and password are both case sensitive. Select Exit to save and reset ILO with the new settings. Test access to the ILO web interface.
Checking DHCP leases and configuration from the server OS are some alternate setup options if your server is already in production and the ILO settings were not configured beforehand. If DHCP is accessible from the ILO interface connected network then check the leases for the DNS name printed on the tag. Use the leased ip to access the web interface and login with the factory username and password. All the same settings from the POST utility can be configured through the ILO web interface. HP also provides a utility called HPONCFG which allows for command line interaction with ILO and scripting functionality. 

You can configure the ILO from the running operating system using the HP Online Configuration (hponcfg) utility.
Download the HP packages for your OS as detailed here. You may as well use this as an opportunity to install all of the agents for your server.
However, the main package you need is the hponcfg utility.
apt-get install hponcfg
Here's a description of the command usage.
# hponcfg -h

Firmware Revision = 1.94 Device type = iLO Driver name = hpilo
HPONCFG RILOE II/iLO setup and configuration utility
Version 3.1.0 (c) Hewlett-Packard Company, 2010

-h,  --help           Display this message
-?                    Display this message
-r,  --reset          Reset the RILOE II/iLO to factory default
-f,  --file           Get/Set RILOE II/iLO configuration from "filename"
-i,  --input          Get/Set RILOE II/iLO configuration from the XML input
                      received through the standard input stream.
-w,  --writeconfig    Write the RILOE II/iLO configuration to "filename"
-a,  --all            Capture complete iLO configuration to the file.
                      This should be used along with '-w' option
-l,  --log            Log replies to "filename"
-v,  --xmlverbose     Display all the responses from RILOE II/iLO
-s,  --substitute     Substitute variables present in input config file
                      with values specified in "namevaluepairs"
-g,  --get_hostinfo   Get the Host information
-m,  --minfwlevel     Minimum firmware level

Using this tool, you will be able to supply an XML file as input containing some basic parameters for the ILO, like username, password, IP configuration, etc.
What may be easier in this case would be obtaining the ILO's current config using hponcfg -w ILO.xml, modifying the file to contain the IP and configuration you wish, then reconfiguring the ILO with the altered file with hponcfg -f ILO.xml.
The HP server must have been installed with the HP ESXi ISO -or- Updated via VMware Update Manager (VUM) with the latest vibs from
The process to configure the ILO is as follows:
1.  SSH to the ESXi host
2. cd /opt/hp/tools
3. Export the current config:   ./hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo_config.txt
4. Edit the above export config file (/tmp/ilo_config.txt) and change the following variables:

5. Flash the updated config to the ILO:   ./hponcfg -f /tmp/ilo_config.txt
[Let the ILO restart]
6. You must now reset the Administrator password.    Create the file:   reset_admin_pw.xml with the below info and add the new password in the password section:
<ribcl VERSION="2.0">
<user_INFO MODE="write">
<mod_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
<password value="newpass"/>

7. Flash “reset_admin_pw.xml” to the ILO:   ./hponcfg -f reset_admin_pw.xml
8.  Done.    You should be able to reach the ILO web management interface and login as Administrator.


The DRAC card has several services bound on its dedicated IP; here is the list of the default ports and their usage:
·         22 Secure Shell
·         23 Telnet
·         80 HTTP
·         443 HTTPS
·         161 SNMP (UDP)
·         3668 Virtual Media server
·         5869 Remote racadm server
·         5900-5901 Console Redirection

Configuring DRAC 5 Properties

You can configure the DRAC 5 properties (network, users, and so on) by using either the Web-based interface or the RACADM.
The DRAC 5 provides a Web-based interface and RACADM (a command-line interface) that enables you to configure the DRAC 5 properties and users, perform remote management tasks, and troubleshoot a remote (managed) system for problems. For everyday systems management, use the DRAC 5 Web-based interface. This chapter provides information about how to perform common systems management tasks with the DRAC 5 Web-based interface and provides links to related information.
All Web-based interface configuration tasks can also be performed with RACADM.

Configuring the DRAC 5 Using the Web User Interface

See your DRAC 5 online help for context sensitive information about each Web-based interface page.

Accessing the Web-Based Interface

To access the DRAC 5 Web-based interface:
      In the Address field, type the following and press <Enter>: 
https://<IP address>
If the default HTTPS port number (port 443) has been changed, type:
https://<IP address>:<port number>
where IP address is the IP address for the DRAC 5 and port number is the HTTPS port number.
The DRAC 5 Log in window appears.
NOTE: When you use Internet Explorer version 6 SP2 or version 7 to log into the DRAC 5 Web GUI and the client is on a private network, but without access to the Internet, you may experience a delay of up to 30 seconds. To resolve this issue:
1. Disable the phishing filter.
2. Disable CRL fetching:
a. Click Tools Options Advanced tab Security.
b. Deselect Check for publisher's certificate revocation.

Logging In

You can log in either as a DRAC 5 user or as a Microsoft® Active Directory® user. The default user name and password are root and calvin, respectively.
Before you log in to the DRAC 5, verify that you have Log In to DRAC 5 permission. Speak to your organization's DRAC or network administrator to confirm your access privileges.
To log in:
  1. In the User Name field, type one of the following: 
    • Your DRAC 5 user name.
For example, <username>
The DRAC 5 user name for local users is case sensitive
    • Your Active Directory user name.
For example, <domain>\<username>, <domain>/<username>, or <user>@<domain>.
Examples of an Active Directory user name are:\john_doe or
The Active Directory user name is not case sensitive.
  1. In the Password field, type your DRAC 5 user password or Active Directory user password. 
This field is case sensitive.
  1. Click OK or press <Enter>. 

Logging Out

  1. In the upper-right corner of the DRAC 5 Web-based interface window, click Log Out to close the session. 
  1. Close the browser window. 
NOTE: The Log Out button does not appear until you log in.

NOTE: Closing the browser without gracefully logging out causes the session to remain open until it times out. It is strongly recommended that you click the logout button to end the session; otherwise, the session remains active until the session timeout is reached.

NOTE: Closing the DRAC 5 Web-based interface within Microsoft Internet Explorer using the close button ("x") at the top right corner of the window may generate an application error. To fix this issue, download the latest Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Support website, at

Configuring the BIOS Setup Program for a Serial Connection on the Managed System

Perform the following steps to configure your BIOS Setup program to redirect output to a serial port.
NOTE: You must configure the System Setup program in conjunction with the connect com2 command.
  1. Turn on or restart your system. 
  1. Press <F2> immediately after you see the following message: 
<F2> = System Setup
  1. Scroll down and select Serial Communication by pressing <Enter>. 
  1. Set the Serial Communication screen as follows: 
External Serial Connector  Remote Access Device
Redirection After Boot  Disabled
  1. Press <Esc> to exit the System Setup program to complete the System Setup program configuration. 

RAC Serial Interface

RAC also supports a serial console interface (or RAC Serial Console) that provides a RAC CLI, which is not defined by IPMI. If your system includes a RAC card with Serial Console enabled, the RAC card will override the IPMI serial settings and display the RAC CLI serial interface.
To enable the RAC serial terminal interface, set the cfgSerialConsoleEnable property to 1 (TRUE).
For example:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialConsoleEnable 1

Enabling the DRAC 5 Serial/Telnet/SSH Console

The serial/telnet/ssh console can be enabled locally or remotely.

Enabling the Serial/Telnet/SSH Console Locally

NOTE: You (the current user) must have Configure DRAC 5 permission in order to perform the steps in this section.
To enable the serial/telnet/ssh console from the managed system, type the following local RACADM commands from a command prompt:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialConsoleEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialTelnetEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialSshEnable 1

Enabling the Serial/Telnet/SSH Console Remotely

To enable the serial/telnet/ssh console remotely, type the following remote RACADM commands from a command prompt:
racadm -u <username> -p <password> -r <DRAC 5 IP address> config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialConsoleEnable 1
racadm -u <username> -p <password> -r <DRAC 5 IP address> config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialTelnetEnable 1
racadm -u <username> -p <password> -r <DRAC 5 IP address> config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialSshEnable 1
NOTE: When you use Internet Explorer version 6 SP2 or version 7 to log into a managed system on a private network, but without access to the Internet, you may experience a delay of up to 30 seconds while using remote RACADM commands.

Displaying Configuration Settings

To run the commands, open a command prompt on the managed system, type the command, and press <Enter>.
Displaying Configuration Settings
List the available groups.
racadm getconfig -h
Display the current settings for a particular group.
racadm getconfig -g <group>
For example, to display a list of all cfgSerial group settings, type the following command:
racadm getconfig -g cfgSerial
Display the current settings for a particular group remotely.
racadm -u <user> -p <password> -r <DRAC 5 IP address> getconfig -g cfgSerial
For example, to display a list of all of the settings for the cfgSerial group remotely, type:
racadm -u root -p calvin -r getconfig -g cfgSerial

Configuring the Telnet Port Number

Type the following command to change the telnet port number on the DRAC 5.
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneTelnetPort <new port number>

Enabling Microsoft Telnet for Telnet Console Redirection

NOTE: Some telnet clients on Microsoft operating systems may not display the BIOS setup screen correctly when BIOS console redirection is set for VT100 emulation. If this issue occurs, update the display by changing BIOS console redirection to ANSI mode. To perform this procedure in the BIOS setup menu, select Console Redirection  Remote Terminal Type  ANSI.
  1. Enable Telnet in Windows Component Services. 
  1. Connect to the DRAC 5 in the management station. 
Open a command prompt, type the following, and press <Enter>:
telnet <IP address>:<port number>
where IP address is the IP address for the DRAC 5 and port number is the telnet port number (if you are using a new port).

Running Telnet Using Windows XP or Windows 2003

If your management station is running Windows XP or Windows 2003, you may experience an issue with the characters in a DRAC 5 telnet session. This issue may occur as a frozen login where the return key does not respond and the password prompt does not appear.
To fix this issue, download hotfix 824810 from the Microsoft Support website at See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 824810 for more information.

Running Telnet Using Windows 2000

If your management station is running Windows 2000, you cannot access BIOS setup by pressing the <F2> key. To fix this issue, use the telnet client supplied with the Windows Services for UNIX® 3.5—a recommended free download from Microsoft. Go to and search for "Windows Services for UNIX 3.5."

Using the Secure Shell (SSH)

It is critical that your system's devices and device management are secure. Embedded connected devices are the core of many business processes. If these devices are compromised, your business may be at risk, which requires new security demands for command line interface (CLI) device management software.
Secure Shell (SSH) is a command line session that includes the same capabilities as a telnet session, but with improved security. The DRAC 5 supports SSH version 2 with password authentication. SSH is enabled on the DRAC 5 when you install or update your DRAC 5 firmware.
You can use either PuTTY or OpenSSH on the management station to connect to the managed system's DRAC 5. When an error occurs during the login procedure, the secure shell client issues an error message. The message text is dependent on the client and is not controlled by the DRAC 5.
NOTE: OpenSSH should be run from a VT100 or ANSI terminal emulator on Windows. Running OpenSSH at the Windows command prompt does not result in full functionality (that is, some keys do not respond and no graphics are displayed).
Only four SSH sessions are supported at any given time. The session time-out is controlled by the cfgSsnMgtSshIdleTimeout property.
 To enable the SSH on the DRAC 5, type:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialSshEnable 1
To change the SSH port, type:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneSshPort <port number>


Configuring the DRAC 5 Network Settings
NOTICE: Changing your DRAC 5 Network settings may disconnect your current network connection.

Accessing the DRAC 5 Through a Network

After you configure the DRAC 5, you can remotely access the managed system using one of the following interfaces:
  • Web-based interface
  • Telnet Console
  • SSH 
  • IPMI
DRAC 5 Interfaces 
Web-based interface
Provides remote access to the DRAC 5 using a graphical user interface. The Web-based interface is built into the DRAC 5 firmware and is accessed through the NIC interface from a supported Web browser on the management station.
For a list of supported Web browsers, see the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix on the Dell Support website at
Provides remote access to the DRAC 5 using a command line interface. RACADM uses the managed system's IP address to execute RACADM commands (racadm remote capability option [-r]).
NOTE: The racadm remote capability is supported only on management stations. For a list of supported Web browsers, see the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix on the Dell Support website at
NOTE: When using the racadm remote capability, you must have write permission on the folders where you are using the racadm subcommands involving file operations, for example:
racadm getconfig -f <file name>
racadm sslcertupload -t 1 -f c:\cert\cert.txt subcommands
Telnet Console
Provides access through the DRAC 5 to the server RAC port and hardware management interfaces through the DRAC 5 NIC and provides support for serial and RACADM commands includingpowerdown, powerup, powercycle, and hardreset commands.
NOTE: Telnet is an unsecure protocol that transmits all data—including passwords—in plain text. When transmitting sensitive information, use the SSH interface.
SSH Interface
Provides the same capabilities as the telnet console using an encrypted transport layer for higher security.
IPMI Interface
Provides access through the DRAC 5 to the remote system's basic management features. The interface includes IPMI over LAN, IPMI over Serial, and Serial over LAN. See the Dell OpenManage Baseboard Management Controller User's Guide for more information.

NOTE: The DRAC 5 default user name is root and the default password is calvin.
You can access the DRAC 5 Web-based interface through the DRAC 5 NIC by using a supported Web browser, or through Server Administrator or IT Assistant.
For a list of supported Web browsers, see the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix on the Dell Support website at
To access the DRAC 5 remote access interface using Server Administrator, launch Server Administrator. From the system tree on the left pane of the Server Administrator home page, click System Main System Chassis Remote Access Controller. For more information, see your Server Administrator User's Guide.

RACADM Synopsis

racadm -r <RAC IP Address> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand> <subcommand options>
racadm -i -r <RAC IP Address> <subcommand> <subcommand options>
For example:
racadm -r -u root -p calvin getsysinfo
racadm -i -r getsysinfo
If the HTTPS port number of the RAC has been changed to a custom port other than the default port (443), the following syntax must be used:
racadm -r <RAC IP Address>:<port> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand> <subcommand options>
racadm -i -r <RAC IP Address>:<port> <subcommand> <subcommand options>

RACADM Options

racadm Command Options 
-r <racIpAddr>
-r <racIpAddr>:<port number>
Specifies the controller's remote IP address.
Use :<port number> if the DRAC 5 port number is not the default port (443)
Instructs racadm to interactively query the user for user name and password.
-u <usrName>
Specifies the user name that is used to authenticate the command transaction. If the -u option is used, the -p option must be used, and the -i option (interactive) is not allowed.
-p <password>
Specifies the password used to authenticate the command transaction. If the -p option is used, the -i option is not allowed.
Specifies that racadm should check for invalid certificate errors. racadm stops the execution of the command with an error message if it detects an invalid certificate.

Enabling and Disabling the racadm Remote Capability

NOTE: It is recommended that you run these commands on your local system.
The racadm remote capability is enabled by default. If disabled, type the following racadm command to enable:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 1
To disable the remote capability, type:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 0
RACADM Subcommands 
Lists DRAC 5 subcommands.
help <subcommand>
Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand.
Displays the contents of the ARP table. ARP table entries may not be added or deleted.
Clears the last ASR (crash) screen (last blue screen).
Clears the DRAC 5 log. A single entry is made to indicate the user and time that the log was cleared.
Configures the RAC.
Displays the current RAC configuration properties.
Displays the last DRAC 5 coredump.
Deletes the coredump stored in the DRAC 5.
Executes or displays status on DRAC 5 firmware updates.
Displays information about active sessions.
Displays general DRAC 5 and system information.
Displays the DRAC 5 time.
Displays the current RAC IP configuration.
Displays the routing table and the current connections.
Verifies that the destination IP address is reachable from the DRAC 5 with the current routing-table contents.
Sets the IP configuration for the controller.
Displays the current IP configuration for the controller.
Displays service tags.
Dumps DRAC 5 status and state information for debug.
Resets the DRAC 5.
Resets the DRAC 5 to the default configuration.
Performs power management operations on the managed system.
Displays the RAC log.
Clears the System Event Log entries.
Displays the DRAC 5 trace log. If used with -i, the command displays the number of entries in the DRAC 5 trace log.
Generates and downloads the SSL CSR.
Uploads a CA certificate or server certificate to the DRAC 5.
Downloads a CA certificate.
Views a CA certificate or server certificate in the DRAC 5.
Forces the DRAC 5 to send a test e-mail over the DRAC 5 NIC to check the e-mail configuration.
Forces the DRAC 5 to send a test SNMP trap over the DRAC 5 NIC to check the trap configuration.
Forces a virtual media connection to close.
Resets the virtual flash size to its default size (16 MB).

Configuring Multiple DRAC 5 Cards

Using RACADM, you can configure one or more DRAC 5 cards with identical properties. When you query a specific DRAC 5 card using its group ID and object ID, RACADM creates the racadm.cfg configuration file from the retrieved information. By exporting the file to one or more DRAC 5 cards, you can configure your controllers with identical properties in a minimal amount of time.
NOTE: Some configuration files contain unique DRAC 5 information (such as the static IP address) that must be modified before you export the file to other DRAC 5 cards.
To configure multiple DRAC 5 cards, perform the following procedures:
  1. Use RACADM to query the target DRAC 5 that contains the appropriate configuration. 
NOTE: The generated .cfg file does not contain user passwords.
Open a command prompt and type:
racadm getconfig -f myfile.cfg
NOTE: Redirecting the RAC configuration to a file using getconfig -f is only supported with the local and remote RACADM interfaces.
  1. Modify the configuration file using a simple text editor (optional). 
  1. Use the new configuration file to modify a target RAC. 
In the command prompt, type:
racadm config -f myfile.cfg
  1. Reset the target RAC that was configured. 
In the command prompt, type:
racadm reset
The getconfig -f racadm.cfg subcommand requests the DRAC 5 configuration and generates the racadm.cfg file. If required, you can configure the file with another name.
You can use the getconfig command to enable you to perform the following actions:
  • Display all configuration properties in a group (specified by group name and index)
  • Display all configuration properties for a user by user name
The config subcommand loads the information into other DRAC 5s. Use config to synchronize the user and password database with Server Administrator
The initial configuration file, racadm.cfg, is named by the user. In the following example, the configuration file is named myfile.cfg. To create this file, type the following at the command prompt:
racadm getconfig -f myfile.cfg
NOTICE: It is recommended that you edit this file with a simple text editor. The racadm utility uses an ASCII text parser. Any formatting confuses the parser, which may corrupt the racadm database.

Creating a DRAC 5 Configuration File

The DRAC 5 configuration file <filename>.cfg is used with the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command. You can use the configuration file to build a configuration file (similar to an .ini file) and configure the DRAC 5 from this file. You may use any file name, and the file does not require a .cfg extension (although it is referred to by that extension name in this subsection).
The .cfg file can be:
  • Created
  • Obtained from a racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command
  • Obtained from a racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command, and then edited
NOTE: See "getconfig" for information about the getconfig command.
The .cfg file is first parsed to verify that valid group and object names are present and that some simple syntax rules are being followed. Errors are flagged with the line number that detected the error, and a simple message explains the problem. The entire file is parsed for correctness, and all errors are displayed. Write commands are not transmitted to the DRAC 5 if an error is found in the .cfg file. The user must correct all errors before any configuration can take place. The -c option may be used in the config subcommand, which verifies syntax only and does not perform a write operation to the DRAC 5.
Use the following guidelines when you create a .cfg file:
  • If the parser encounters an indexed group, it is the value of the anchored object that differentiates the various indexes. 
The parser reads in all of the indexes from the DRAC 5 for that group. Any objects within that group are simple modifications when the DRAC 5 is configured. If a modified object represents a new index, the index is created on the DRAC 5 during configuration.
  • You cannot specify an index of your choice in a .cfg file.
Indexes may be created and deleted, so over time the group may become fragmented with used and unused indexes. If an index is present, it is modified. If an index is not present, the first available index is used. This method allows flexibility when adding indexed entries where you do not need to make exact index matches between all the RACs being managed. New users are added to the first available index. A .cfg file that parses and runs correctly on one DRAC 5 may not run correctly on another if all indexes are full and you must add a new user.
  • Use the racresetcfg subcommand to configure all DRAC 5 cards with identical properties.
Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the DRAC 5 to original defaults, and then run the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command. Ensure that the .cfg file includes all required objects, users, indexes, and other parameters.
NOTICE: Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the database and the DRAC 5 NIC settings to the original default settings and remove all users and user configurations. While the root user is available, other users' settings are also reset to the default settings.

DRAC Modes

The DRAC 5 can be configured in one of three modes:
  • Dedicated
  • Shared
  • Shared with failover
DRAC 5 NIC Configurations
The DRAC uses its own NIC (RJ-45 connector) and the BMC MAC address for network traffic.
The DRAC uses Broadcom LOM1 on the planar.
Shared with failover
The DRAC uses Broadcom LOM1 and LOM2 as a team for failover. The team uses the BMC MAC address.

Frequently Asked Questions

When accessing the DRAC 5 Web-based interface, I get a security warning stating the hostname of the SSL certificate does not match the hostname of the DRAC 5.
The DRAC 5 includes a default DRAC 5 server certificate to ensure network security for the Web-based interface and remote racadm features. When this certificate is used, the Web browser displays a security warning because the default certificate is issued to DRAC 5 default certificate which does not match the host name of the DRAC 5 (for example, the IP address).
To address this security concern, upload a DRAC 5 server certificate issued to the IP address of the DRAC 5. When generating the certificate signing request (CSR) to be used for issuing the certificate, ensure that the common name (CN) of the CSR matches the IP address of the DRAC 5 (for example, or the registered DNS DRAC name.
To ensure that the CSR matches the registered DNS DRAC name:
  1. In the System tree, click Remote Access. 
  1. Click the Configuration tab and then click Network. 
  1. In the Network Settings page: 
    1. Select the Register DRAC on DNS check box. 
    1. In the DNS DRAC Name field, enter the DRAC name. 
  1. Click Apply Changes. 
Why are the remote racadm and Web-based services unavailable after a property change?
It may take a while for the remote RACADM services and the Web-based interface to become available after the DRAC 5 Web server resets.
The DRAC 5 Web server is reset after the following occurrences:
  • When the network configuration or network security properties are changed using the DRAC 5 Web user interface
  • When the cfgRacTuneHttpsPort property is changed (including when a config -f <config file> changes it)
  • When racresetcfg is used
  • When the DRAC 5 is reset
  • When a new SSL server certificate is uploaded
Why doesn't my DNS server register my DRAC 5?
Some DNS servers only register names of 31 characters or fewer.
When accessing the DRAC 5 Web-based interface, I get a security warning stating the SSL certificate was issued by a certificate authority (CA) that is not trusted.
DRAC 5 includes a default DRAC 5 server certificate to ensure network security for the Web-based interface and remote racadm features. This certificate was not issued by a trusted CA. To address this security concern, upload a DRAC 5 server certificate issued by a trusted CA (for example, Thawte or Verisign). for more information about issuing certificates.
After performing a DRAC 5 reset (using the racadm racreset command), I issue a command and the following message is displayed:
racadm <command name> Transport: ERROR: (RC=-1)
What does this message mean?
You must wait until the DRAC 5 completes the reset before issuing another command.
When I use the racadm commands and subcommands, I get errors that I don't understand.
You may encounter one or more of the following errors when using the racadm commands and subcommands:
  • Local racadm error messages — Problems such as syntax, typographical errors, and incorrect names.
  • Remote racadm error messages—Problems such as incorrect IP Address, incorrect username, or incorrect password.
When I ping the DRAC IP address from my system and then switch my DRAC 5 card between Dedicated and Shared modes during the ping response, I do not receive a response.
Clear the ARP table on your system.

Chassis Management Module (CMM)

The Chassis Management Module is the service processor used in the Flex System Enterprise Chassis. The following ports are user configurable. The default port numbers used are indicated.

Table 1. CMM ports -- user configurable

Port name
Port number
80 (default)
Web server HTTP connection - TCP
443 (default)
SSL connection -TCP
23 (default)
Telnet command-line interface connection -TCP
telnet (SMASH/CLP)
50023 (default)
Telnet command-line interface using SMASH/CLP
22 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface - TCP
50022 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface using SMASH/CLP
SNMP agent
161 (default)
SNMP get/set commands - UDP
SNMPv3 traps
50990 (default)
SNMP traps
21 (default)
FTP Data
20 (default)
FTP Data
5988 (default)
5989 (default)
TCP Command Mode
6090 (default)
TCP Command Mode
Secure TCP Command Mode
6091 (default)
Secure TCP Command Mode
123 (default)
Network Time Protocol

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 2. CMM ports – fixed

Port number
E-mail alerts - TCP
DNS resolver - UDP
DHCP client connection - UDP
SLP connection - UDP
RMCP (Remote Management and Control Protocol)

Integrated Management Module and Integrated Management Module II (IMM2)

The following ports are user configurable. The default port numbers used are indicated.

Table 3. IMM and IMM2 ports -- user configurable

Port name
Port number
80 (default)
Web server HTTP connection - TCP
443 (default)
SSL connection -TCP
23 (default)
Telnet command-line interface connection -TCP
telnet (SMASH/CLP)
50023 (default)
Telnet command-line interface using SMASH/CLP
22 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface - TCP
50022 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface using SMASH/CLP
SNMP agent
161 (default)
SNMP get/set commands - UDP
SNMP traps
162 (default)
SNMP traps - UDP
Remote presence
3900 (default)
Remote presence
5988 (default)
5989 (default)
123 (default)
Network Time Protocol

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 4. IMM and IMM2 ports – fixed

Port number
E-mail alerts - TCP
DNS resolver - UDP
DHCP client connection - UDP
SLP connection - UDP
RMCP (Remote Management and Control Protocol)
Partition management for multi-node servers

BladeCenter Advanced Management Module

The following ports are user configurable. The default port numbers used are indicated.

Table 5. AMM ports -- user configurable

Port name
Port number
80 (default)
Web server HTTP connection - TCP
443 (default)
SSL connection -TCP
23 (default)
Telnet command-line interface connection -TCP
22 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface - TCP
SNMP agent
161 (default)
SNMP get/set commands - UDP
SNMP traps
162 (default)
SNMP traps - UDP
Listen port for the FTP server - TCP
FTP data
FTP data port - TCP
TFTP server - TCP
Remote disk
Remote disk function - TCP
Remote disk on-card
Persistent remote disk (disk on card) - TCP
Remote KVM
Remote Console - TCP

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 6. AMM ports – fixed

Port number
E-mail alerts - TCP
DNS resolver - UDP
DHCP client connection - UDP
SLP connection - UDP
IBM Director commands - TCP
IBM Director alerts - UDP

BladeCenter Management Module

The following ports are user configurable. The default port numbers used are indicated.

Table 7. MM ports -- user configurable

Port name
Port number
80 (default)
Web server HTTP connection - TCP
443 (default)
SSL connection -TCP
23 (default)
Telnet command-line interface connection -TCP
22 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface - TCP
SNMP agent
161 (default)
SNMP get/set commands - UDP
SNMP traps
162 (default)
SNMP traps - UDP

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 8. MM ports – fixed

Port number
E-mail alerts - TCP
DNS resolver - UDP
DHCP client connection - UDP
SLP connection - UDP
Remote disk function - TCP
Persistent remote disk (disk on card) - TCP
Remote Console video redirect - TCP
IBM Director commands - TCP
IBM Director alerts - UDP

Remote Supervisor Adapter II (RSA II)

The following ports are user configurable. The default port numbers used are indicated.

Table 9. RSA II ports -- user configurable

Port name
Port number
80 (default)
Web server HTTP connection - TCP
443 (default)
SSL connection -TCP
23 (default)
Telnet command-line interface connection -TCP
22 (default)
Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface - TCP
SNMP agent
161 (default)
SNMP get/set commands - UDP
SNMP traps
162 (default)
SNMP traps - UDP

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 10. RSA II ports – fixed

Port number
SLP connection - UDP
Remote disk function - TCP
Persistent remote disk (disk on card) - TCP
Remote Console video redirect - TCP and UDP
IBM Director commands - TCP
Scalable Partition management (x445) - TCP
Scalable Partition management (x460 and x3950) - TCP

Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)

The following TCP/IP ports are fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 11. BMC ports

Port number
IPMI communications to SMBridge and IBM Director
IPMI communications (secondary)
SNMP get/set commands
SNMP traps and PET alerts to Director


Configuring the remote supervisor adapter card

Following the replacement of the remote supervisor adapter (RSA) card, the Internet protocol (IP) address needs to be set. The RSA card IP address is determined by the frame number and node ID. Set the IP address for the Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) card to the IP address for the frame number plus one for Node B or the frame number plus 6 for Node B.

About this task

After the RSA card has been replaced, perform the following procedure to update the IP addresses.
Attention: Review this procedure before performing any service actions it contains.


1.     Power on the 3958 server. When the IBM® logo displays and the function key options appear, press F1 (multiple times) to enter Setup Mode.
2.     From the Configuration/Setup Utility menu, select Advanced Setup RSA II Settings.
Figure 1. RSA II Settings
                           RSA II Settings
RSA II MAC Address                    00-21-5E-2A-06-4F
DHCP IP Address             
DHCP Control                          [ Use Static IP                     ]
Static IP Settings                    [      ]
Static IP Address                     [  ]
Subnet Mask                           [  ]
OS USB Selection                      [ Linux OS ]
Save Values and Reboot RAS II
a.     If it is not already set, change the DHCP Control to Use Static IP. Use the right and left arrow keys to select the correct option.
b.     Set the value of the Static IP Address of the RSA II to 172.31.1.xx1 (lower server, Node A) or 172.31.1.xx6 (upper server, Node B), where xx is the frame number. Examples:
·         For a frame of 10, set the IP address of the RSA card in the lower server (Node A) to
·         For a frame of 10, set the IP address of the RSA card in the upper server (Node B) to
·         For a frame of 20, set the IP address of the RSA card in the lower server (Node A) to
·         For a frame of 20, set the IP address of the RSA card in the upper server (Node B) to
c.     Set the Subnet Mask to, and set the Gateway to
d.     Set the OS USB Selection to Linux. Use the right and left arrow keys to select the correct option.
e.     Select Save the Values and Reboot RSA II with the arrow keys and press Enter. The system might stop for a few seconds. This is normal.
f.      When the menu returns, press the Esc key until you return to the Configuration/Setup Utility. Select Save Settings.
g.     After the settings have been saved, select Exit Setup, then select Yes to exit the setup utility and reboot the system. The 3958 server restarts to activate the new settings.

3.     To verify the new RSA card is accessible from the TSSC with the new IP address set and the basic input/output system (BIOS) change, open a terminal window on the TSSC and issue a ping to the new RSA IP address. If the ping of the new RSA IP address is successful, proceed to the next section. If the ping of the new RSA IP address is not successful, repeat the previous step and sub steps.