Monday, 23 July 2012

Using tar commands in Linux

tar =  this command is used to create a archive / backup / a bundle of any file or a dir.We can create a tar file of any file or dir.  The command is

(i)         tar cvf  file1.tar  testdir


                 #  tar  cvf  /dev/st0  testdir  (  we can create a tar archive in a device also ).


  Note :---- “  .tar  “ extension is not compulsory .
     c = create a new archive.

    v = produces verbose message.

  f =  file1.tar (  archive name ) is name of new file.

(ii)  tar tvf file1.tar

  (  This command is used to see the original file name or dir name and  path of tar archive or tar file ).

(ii)       tar xvf  file1.tar
(  This command is used to untar a tar file ).

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Using scp command copy a file or dir

If you need to copy a file or a directory you can use the scp command from the machine where the

data is available. you can check out below examples....

#     scp  file1

                      (  This will copy  file1 ( source )  to remote host =  ( Destination )  in

specified location  i.e. the root path ).

#    scp  -r  xdir /
  (  The ‘  -r   is used  to copy the dir. i.e.  Recursion ).


#   scp  -p  file1 /

       (  The ‘ –p ‘  is used for preserving original  times  and  permissions but please note that it can

not preserve original ownership and groupmembership ).

Monday, 16 July 2012

Using Xmanager - Xstart

Xstart in Xmanager:
For a Linux machine use the below command in xstart to get the display
/usr/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY
For a Unix machineuse the below command in xstart to get the display
/usr/openwin/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY

Monday, 9 July 2012

To turn OFF or turn ON the Hibernate Option in Windows

To DISABLE hibernate option in Windows 7 OS, please open a command prompt window in the administrators login and type the below command:

powercfg -h off

To ENABLE hibernate option in Windows 7 OS, please open a command prompt window in the administrators login and type the below command:

powercfg -h on

Friday, 6 July 2012

To check the Physical RAM size in a Linux server

Top command: using top command you will get complete information.
free –m  - This gives Physical memory (RAM) size in Megabytes
free –k - This gives Physical memory (RAM) size in Kilobytes
cat /proc/meminfo - This also gives Physical memory (RAM) size in Kilobytes

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Enabling/Disabling Firewall in Linux:
To enable the firewall in Linux OS first check the status by below command
service iptables status
For Enabling:
service iptables start
For Disabling:
service iptables stop

Next use below command to check the firewall config
chkconfig --list iptables
It should give the output as shown below if firewall is stopped
iptables        0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off

If you want to turn ON 345 segments then need to run

chkconfig iptables on 345

Monday, 2 July 2012

Arachni Application Installation and management

Download the arachni (tar.gz) desired version and just extract it to the opt directory

Login as root

go to the below path


Next run the below commands

nohup ./arachni_rpcd &

nohup ./arachni_web &
Using nohup will generate a output file so that you can later check the log details.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

To repair the Internet Explorer with a command

Open up a command prompt in administrator mode and type in below command....

sfc /scannow

How to disable the beep sound in CPU’s

Go into Device Manager, click View then Show Hidden Devices, then expand Non-plug and play Drivers,

double-click Beep, Driver Tab, and click the Stop button